
Case Studies

Automation and standardization of business processes


Company: Abrantes City Council

Public Administration



Excess of paper processes, leading to overcrowding of physical archives. Dificulty of handling and finding processes by the company employess.


Infosistema proposed a solution based on the platform iFlowBPM, modifying internal procedures:

  • Processes automation of Abrantes City Council – ACC;
  • Structured forwarding of each process to each person involved;
  • Scannig and storage of documents and databases;
  • Obtainig information through iFlowBPM integration with intern sistems of ACC;
  • Tasks schematization;
  • Information of the condition of each process;
  • Exact processes location due to quick research of iFlowBPM platform.

cm abrantesAbrantes City Counci is a municipal council whose mission is to define and execute policies to defend the interests and to satisfy the local population.

In this sense, it must promote the development of Abrantes in all areas of day-to-day life such as health, education, social work and housing, environment and sanitation, land and urban design, public transport and communications, public supply, sport and culture, consumer protection and civil protection.


Abrantes City Council didn’t have any workflow and documental management solution. All the processes were in paper archives.

The archives used to pass hand-by-hand through the employees and most of the time copies were made creating the impossibility of knowing the exact location of files. It was always really difficult to find a process and understand its state.

Main issues
  • Complex and slow documents distribution with high possibility of human failure;
  • Processes accumulation in physical archives;
  • Impossible to determinate the processes state and questioning the people involved as well;
  • High costs and answering times due lack of information organization;
  • Lack of eficient mecanisms of seaching and aggregating processes.
  • Instant processes delivery between employees by digital way, easy to consult and search for;
  • In the last years were initiated a several thousands of new workflows and document management processes;
  • Monthly average of a few thousands of new processes, each one reaching 5 or more interveners;
  • Management and transaction in the solution database of more than one hundred thousand documents in two years;
  • Costs reduction by not using paper and archives;
  • Nonexistence of lost documents;
  • Monitoring the processes state.
infosistema Inet