If you’re replacing a legacy app with OutSystems you don’t want to keep it’s database around, but most probably you need it’s data
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It is necessary to identify risks for each organization and to exercise due diligence to care for their assets. Good security practices are daily put to the test in organizations.
Infosistema has multiple projects running with AI. Running from Sales AI to Marketing we are increasing our investment in these areas. One thing is clear, AI means that computers hold more than information, they start to hold knowledge. And knowledge computers neither had before nor have been thought. Computer are starting to learn and create […]
This is an innovative concept that integrates competences and skills for the specification and optimization of business processes.
Apple Swift won’t be Swift – Márcio Lopes, iOS Consultant at Infosistema, analyses the introduction of Swift in the applicational development and it’s adoption by the companies.
Information Systems Performance – The financial sector in Portugal has a satisfactory level of maturity in Information Technologies (I.T.) and adequacy to the problems and needs of the business.
Mútua presents Case Study referring to Infosistema (Marés) – Infosistema was referenced in no. 67 of the “Marés” magazine distributed by Mútua dos Pescadores.
Jorge Pereira, José Martins, Vítor Santos and Ramiro Gonçalves published a study entitled “CRUDi framework proposal: financial industry application”
The Insurance 2013 Workshop took place on March 14, 2013, in the Rectory of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. It was organized by Infosistema and IDC, with the support of UTAD and ISEGI.