Infosistema Goldsponsor of Nextstep 2014

Infosistema was a Goldsponsor of Nextstep 2014, during the 3rd and 4th of June, at CCB (Centro Cultural de Belém) in Lisbon. This convention is annually organized by outsystems and aims to assemble the international partners and clients of the Agile Platform. This year, more than 800 people were present, pursuing the technological trends, looking to know the 9th version of the Agile Platform, to learn the more about the cloud, big data and mobile development and to establish business contacts.
Infosistema was represented by some of its partners, managers, developers and by its Marketing Team. We had our own stand and we tried to foster a playful environment in order to encourage interaction, by promoting games with remotely controlled helicopters. A contest for an iPad Mini was also promoted and the winner was Nuno Silveira, a software architect of BPI Bank.