Case Studies
Case Studies
Infosistema’s professional services have successfully implemented more than 140 agile projects since 2004 in different contexts, dimensions and organizations. The OutSystems Agile Platform has been a key ingredient to the success of the implementation and adoption of Web applications within Infosistema’s customers, including CRM systems, websites, portals, intranets, processes and workflows. OutSystems has achieved continuous and consistent project success and objectives in numerous companies of different industries and sizes, delivering on-time, on-budget and high adoption web-based business support applications such as the ones described below.
Award Agility Winner
The Services Portal from Açoreana Seguros was designed and built to support the relationship and interaction between the claimant (insured or injured third party) and its Service Providers (with partnership contracts), allowing them to have a great usability experience and delivering an interface for information exchange in the pursuit of operational efficiency improvements. As the primary and preferred interaction channel between Açoreana and Service Providers, Services Portal makes available key information including current financial accounts for each service provider partnership. In addition the portal provides service related key performance indicators that contribute to the provider rating evaluation and influences the assignment of future service requests. .
The Van Ameyde Group implemented a system to support their European Claims Handling Processing business, in 16 countries. The solution supports the Van Ameyde clients universe of more than 350 insurance companies, in 12 languages and 6 different currencies. Merging all in a unique web system, reduced substantially the operation and evolutionary maintenance costs, diminishing by 30% the time of process resolution.
Infosistema supported Açoreana Seguros in the área of CIO Advisory and participated in the development of the Agents Portal (AçorNet), in several business support projects and integration with backoffice.
CA Seguros implemented, with the support of IKIS – Infosistema and Keep It Simple, an integration platform with COGEN (backoffice) to Template Management and a solution of Issue Management, based in OutSystems technology.
Infosistema, through IKIS partnership, supported Liberty Seguros implementing several projects, like, Claim Management; Contentious Management; Insurance Portfolio Reorganising Management; Registry and approval of employees.
OutSystems Software Factory
Support solutions for Business and Management processes
Software Factory OutSystems.
CRM Solution.
Sales Management Solution (ERP), OutSystems
Client Portal: portal.ticket.pt
Client Management (CRM)
Pharmacovigilance Management Solution and Sample Registry, in OutSystem platform, in intranet.
Request Management Solution (HelpDesk). Web J2EE Architecture
SAV Request Management Solution (Sales Support)
Client notifications: OutSystems
The Water and Waste Regulatory Authority implemented an unique infrastructure of OutSystems apllicational portals, including their institutional website www.ersar.pt, the access to online services by governed entities to optimized management and control of the monitorized services, like price check, quality KPY`s and water volume. Addicionally, the intranet portal includes several web applications that supports the process management, requisitions, documentation, employee directory and external entities, foruns, billing and others.
GNR Social Services:
Solution for management and reserve of common resources, in OutSystems platform, in intranet.