Insurance Conference 2015
“Impact of distribution channels and concentrators in the Insurance sector”.

Infosistema and IDC promote on the 15th of April of 2015, the Conference “Insurance 2015: Impact of distribution channels and concentrators in the insurance sector”. The event will take part in the Sana Malhoa Hotel, Lisbon.
Referring the challenges and difficulties that have been occurring in the distribution and commercial channels, the competition between internal channels and direct sales and the impact of “concentrators” in trade and distribution processes, the event promotes collective learning and knowledge sharing, with practical use cases and good references in the adoption of several IT solutions to support the business in the insurance sector.
In The event will be analysed the new business models and new market opportunities that emerged in the insurance sector in Portugal and Europe. This evolution, very supported in technology, is creating major disruptions in a business model that in Portugal has remained stable for decades
We invite all interested parties to attend this conference, featuring keynote speakers nationally and internationally recognized and representative of the professional staff leaders of the insurance industry.
The participation in the conference is free. All the attendees will have to make a previous registration through the email (the number of attendees will be restricted according the number of seats)
Tel.: +351 21 413 98 60 – Fax: +351 21 413 98 61 – URL: