FICO Innovation Day

On the 12th of January Infosistema (a JOYN company) in partnership with FICO (the leading analytics software company) organized in Lisbon a FICO Innovation Day, under the topic of Customer-Centric New Services for Open Banking.
With 15+ international organizations representing banking industry the event was an achieved success. Towards the main purpose of showcasing and brainstorming new differentiating services that the banking industry could offer to clients, the specialists discussed strategies of showing unique capabilities that would set them apart from the competition.
The current challenge the banking industry faces is in attracting their ideal clients, expanding revenue sources and take advantage of the increasingly faster financial sector digitalization. With that in mind the goal is being ahead of the competition in an expected harder economy, and becoming a leader for the newer generations of banking services consumers!
The event answered questions like:
- How client interactions must adapt to different digital channels instead of branches;
- How to monetize data, creating new experiences and services for clients;
- How to discover client’s needs and pain points;
- How to break silos within organizations;
- How to apply data analysis and artificial intelligence to achieve a growth above market average.
Enmeshed in these answers were also the hot topics of Automation & Digitalization (with the BizAPIs solution) and ESG (Environment and Social Governance), related not only customer experiences but also for increasing process efficiencies and new revenue streams.
Additionally, it was an opportunity for all the attending organizations to get to know Infosistema’s and JOYN Group’s new green headquarters in Carnaxide (Lisbon)!
Some feedbacks from the event include:
“Foi uma sessão muito interessante, na medida em que foi possível conhecer em detalhe e com use cases bem claros os produtos e as inovações da FICO, BizAPIs e C-More através da excelente organização da Infosistema. Excelente sessão e bem condensada, a informação partilhada sobre novos serviços bancários para clientes, e do potencial de automação e melhoria de processos e experiência de utilizador, foi extremamente interessante.”,
Ricardo Ribeiro | Chief Transformation Officer | Montepio Crédito IFIC, SA.
“Excelente evento, seguindo uma temática de elevado interesse, partilha de ideias e de soluções tecnológicas.",
José Maria Rego, CEO, RAIZE