Portal geared towards the control of the entire monitoring and management flow of Claims.

Claims Management Portal

This portal has a strong workflow and procedural component. It includes the procedures to follow in the event of a Claim, in accordance to a standard Claim/Customer/Policy.
The Portal is implemented in a technology that enables the design and implementation of business flows with information from stakeholders (by profile or appointed), future actions, resolution waiting times, etc… in a fully integrated manner.

The main benefits of this solution are the increasing of control on the inherent steps to the different Claim processes: clear identification of which tasks to are be carried out by each stakeholder (whether they are internal or external to the Company); the possibility to reevalute the process itself (according to waiting times in each stage), in order to optimize its operation and reducing potential related costs.

The Portal is supported by strong built-in technology, which allow rapid “consumption” of new information that is intended to be submitted to the user. These features also allow the integration (availability/consumption) of information with other components of the organization (ERP, Accounting, Management of Users, Customers/Suppliers Module, etc…).

To ensure the best user experience possible, and to minimize difficulties in the adoption of this Portal, significant concern exists with its Usability, Ergonomics and Performance. It has a built-in contextual help module, which allows you to manage messages, images or user support videos, in a way that minimizes the learning curve and eliminates training needs.

This sort of Portals is natively prepared to adapt to iPad and can be quickly adapt to smartphone format.

For more information, contact us


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